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VBCable A B Free Downloadl This is a web application that can be used to watch Live TV. The app has the capability of browsing the internet simultaneously, without having to leave the VBCable's browser. It also supports subtitles in multiple languages, including Spanish Some of its main frontend categories are: TV Shows, Documentaries VBCable is an alternative way for people who do not have cable or satellite subscriptions. It will allow you to stream channels online for free and without any subscription fees. This service has been around a couple years now and there are a few different sources that give you access to VBCable's content. This post will cover the method that I have found to be the easiest to get up and running. For more information on the service, check out their website here. These instructions are a compilation of a few different things I have gathered from a few different sources. The original content is linked at the end of this post. I will leave you with a warning before we start: This tutorial is only going to be working for Windows users in my case. Ubuntu and Mac users may find it easier, but they would need to find their own methods If you are interested in seeing if the application works on Ubuntu, click here for an article that will show you how to set it up on Ubuntu. Start off by downloading the repository and unzip it. Then open up a terminal and start this command: sudo apt-get install python-setuptools Now we can use pip to install VBCable: sudo pip install git+ If you would like to test that the web application works, then open up your web browser and go to http://localhost:8090/stream/1 Once you have confirmed that the application is working, we can now start our installation method. The actual process for this is very simple but I have broken it down into steps so that you can follow along with the steps in your own installation. First, we are going to install the required libraries that VBCable needs. On Ubuntu or Debian based systems, you can simply use apt-get to install all of the libraries that are required here: sudo apt-get update && \\ sudo apt-get install libavformat-dev libswscale-dev Once you have completed this step, you will be able to continue with the installation. Next, we are going to open up a terminal and start this command: sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements. txt This will take a few minutes to complete. To be more specific, it will take about an hour for your computer to download the required packages to be installed. After you have installed all of the requirements, you can now start the installation process. Open up a terminal and navigate to the directory that VBCable was installed into. Change into that folder and then start this command: sudo python3 -m vbcable.server. cfa1e77820